LCD Testing, Digital Signage at the 2024 Olympics, and more!


August was an exciting month of development and use cases in the world of digital signage technology. For a start, as the 2024 Olympics took place recently, featuring a fantastic opportunity for visuals, some said the opportunity was not used to its full potential! We’ll talk about it in more detail, alongside tech feats such as projection mapping, LCD testing, and more usage examples of digital signage to spark your imagination.

Getting creative with projection mapping!

Aston Villa is a prominent English football club with a rich history, spanning over 150 years! It boasts a large and diverse fan base and is currently enjoying success, having qualified for the Champions League this fall. In light of their recent successes, the club revitalized its fan store at Birmingham’s Villa Park incorporating innovative digital features into it. 

Alongside impressive video walls, the store features a brick statue in the center of the shop. It is made of brick and engraved with the names of every player who has captained the team. To make the in-store experience even better, the statue acts as a canvas for projection mapping.

Projection mapping can be a truly creative way to take visuals beyond the borders of a display. Projection mapping was also used at the 2024 Olympics!

Lack of digital signage at the 2024 Olympics? 

We can’t talk about news from the past month without mentioning the 2024 Olympics. With millions of spectators around the world, it was quite a show. However, Carrie Slayto noted that they could’ve used digital signage better. She’s a marketing manager at Framen France, the Paris-based subsidiary of the Berlin startup Framen. She outlined key areas where appropriate use of digital signage could’ve enhanced the experience further.

Digital signage is highly powerful when used for security and safety updates. “In an event as massive as the Olympics, having the ability to swiftly inform the public is crucial.” There is also the potential for interactive maps and geo-located signs, reducing the need for printed signage. Scores are a huge component of any sports event, let alone the Olympics. “Although scores and match information were displayed on some screens, there were many missed opportunities to keep fans engaged.” 

Carrie also mentioned advertising opportunities, promotion of integrated events, local information, as well as ticketing and merchandise. If you’re planning an event in the field of sports, give the article a read! Coincidentally, we published an article on this topic which might also give you some additional ideas.

LCD testing examines longevity

Back in October of 2022, launched a longevity test on 100 TVs which have run for over 10,000 hours since. The goal was to push the displays to the limits of their durability and examine failure points as they occur. The results of this research provided interesting information. For a start, edge-lit displays had problems with warped reflector sheets, cracked light guide plates, and burnt-out LEDs. The root cause of this was primarily the concentrated heat generated by the edge-lit LED strips. Below you can see the heat distribution.

Their suggestion? For consumers to whom the durability of their purchase is very important, they recommend “prioritizing models with better heat distribution, such as direct-lit or FALD TVs, for improved longevity and performance.” 

As displays continue to get thinner and adapt to the needs of the consumer, it’s imperative to ensure longevity and durability. Or, at the very least, create reasonable expectations on the matter. For more info, take a look at the detailed research at

How to boost renewal rates when selling OOH

On the less flashy side of things, this month Billboard Insider published another useful article for Out-of-Home sellers, pinpointing the best approach to boost renewal rates. It is clear to everyone that renewals stem from building and maintaining strong relationships with your clients. But let’s talk about specific and precise ways to achieve it.

For a start, retaining and growing valuable clients demands focus on delivering success according to the clients’ terms, not just showcasing impressive results. Another point is to implement Quarterly Value Reviews (QVR) which emphasize client-focused value delivery and future plans. They are the key to maintaining strong client relationships. They help to address issues early, building trust with senior executives, and ensuring client needs and expectations are met. The article outlines the key areas of establishing the structure of a QVR, so be sure to give it a read!

More digital signage use cases!

This month on the OnSign TV blog, we laid out a few more use cases for digital signage. Firstly, we covered the use of digital signage in pop-up stores. As they’re temporary in nature, it’s important to have content which can be quickly and easily deployed. We also covered the topic of using digital signage in reception areas which, of course, applies to any business which works face-to-face with customers. Naturally, uses vary depending on the size and type of business, but we tried our best to lay out the general groundwork to get you started!

Cover image by Pedram Normohamadian.