Home Blog Posts Industry News Digital Signage News: Robotic Kitchen, OOH growth worldwide, and more!

Digital Signage News: Robotic Kitchen, OOH growth worldwide, and more!


We’ve almost reached the halfway point of 2018. As usual, there have been many interesting news to report this month. Starting from some new fascinating uses for digital signage in restaurants, all the way to head on nail stats how brands value media.

This set of news promises to inform you about fresh and exciting occurrences in the digital signage world. Also, you will gain new insights which can shape the way you make business decisions.

Spyce spices up the restaurant digital signage game

Located in the heart of Boston, Spyce is a restaurant which recently has been the talk of the town. Its robotic kitchen represents the peak of digital signage applications in restaurants. Spyce’s robotic kitchen serves a customer without any interaction of any staff members at all. Food is ordered via touchscreen, sent to a robotic kitchen, and in an approximate time of three minutes, the food is ready. The system includes displays dedicated to each individual meal which welcomes, engages and entices eaters.

If you’re interested in how the system came to be, as well as the details behind its use, read more about an awesomely innovative restaurant concept.

OOH keeps growing all around the world

We’ve recently seen the stats of Q1 2018 in the digital signage industry. As we move forward, however, even more information is emerging all around the world about the of Out of Home advertising world in general, as well as the digital aspect of it.

In fact, the total Out of Home market in the UK in Q1 2018 has grown by 5.3% compared to Q1 2017. Digital and classic Out of Home advertising audiences in the last 12 months have grown steadily. Total impacts on audience have increased by 23% from digital screens, and 7% from posters.

Digital signage is rising in other parts of the world as well. In South Africa, Digital Out of Home advertising is used almost as much as static formats. On top, uses are also becoming more complex and intelligent. They are surpassing copy-paste jobs and instead focusing on tailored-made content specific to the environment.

Ads in airports work amazingly well, study shows

A recent Nielsen study highlighted just how much power there is in advertising at airports. Sales for both national and local brands have increased as a result, as have foot and internet traffic.

According to the study, frequent fliers are particularly responsive to ads of all kinds. 80% notice the media, and 42% take some form of action. Overall, 19% of frequent fliers tend to make a purchase advertised at the airport. The reason behind these rates is the colossal amount of time people spend waiting at the airport. This is particularly evident as one of the key survey findings indicates that 90% of frequent fliers shop, dine or visit businesses and locations nearby. There is just nowhere else to go after having passed security.

For more numbers, details and survey data, read closely about the study and all findings of the power of OOH advertising at airports.

Three must-know lessons in digital signage advertising

Digital Signage Today recently published an article pointing out the three main digital signage advertising lessons. These are points you should know by now, but in case you don’t, or you simply need a quick refresher course, take a look.

  • Knowing your audience is a defining factor for any campaign. If you don’t know your audience, you can’t customize content for them. If the content doesn’t suit them, they won’t care about it.
  • Knowing your engagement goals serves as a compass. Each campaign and ad must have a clearly designated goal it is seeking to achieve.
  • Knowing your platform enables you to use all the tools and opportunities at your disposal. And if there’s anything to fear in the world of advertising, it’s a wasted opportunity.

For more details on these elementary points, make sure to read the full article.

The thoughts behind brand investments in advertising

An enterprise on marketing analytics for brands worldwide, Ebiquity, has recently conducted a study about the way brand advertisers value media. The study unveiled current perceptions of the media and showed how and why brands are under-investing in traditional media.

The study showed the most important attributes of each advertising medium, measured and compared them. Among the top attributes were targeting the right people in the right place at the right time, the potential for a higher ROI, provoking emotional responses, and more.

Understanding how brands invest. Also, learn which attributes of each advertising medium they hold above others can greatly impact your own investments.

Good news are still pouring in about how well Q1 2018 was for the digital signage industry. Meanwhile, Q2 is almost over and it’s fairly safe to expect equally good news coming from it as well. All analytics and numbers aside, we can see the digital signage industry isn’t only succeeding on paper. It is also growing richer with innovation, ideas and applications for digital technology across all businesses. There is plenty of 2018 left for us to explore, and rest assured there will be fascinating discoveries to find.