Home Blog Posts Casos de Sucesso 3 Easy Tips for Using Digital Signage In Fitness

3 Easy Tips for Using Digital Signage In Fitness


A fresh new year lies ahead of us. With it, new and old resolutions many of us have set out to achieve. Whether they will form an integral part of the new you which you’ll keep through the end of 2020 and beyond, or if they’ll be left for another year after the first mental wall is hit, we can’t say.  But the will and the drive is there! Without a doubt one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is going to the gym more often. It is no surprise that the greatest spike in memberships in fitness is recorded in January, regardless of gym type, be it a yoga studio, climbing, or dance.

Because of that, we like to take a closer look at how digital signage helps fitness establishments to bring people in the door and more importantly support the members to fulfill that resolution, hopefully for more than just a month. We’ve already talked about some benefits and uses of digital signage in a gym or fitness center. Using your digital displays for advertising, collective workout programs, or motivation are perfect ways to step up the game in this environment. Now, as we dive deeper into the fitness industry, we bring you a set of tips to keep your members informed and satisfied.

1. Answer all questions a newbie may have

With a new year’s beginning, many feel motivated to take up the habit of exercise. They have more in mind than merely paying for a membership and running on the treadmill for an hour.

New year discounts are expected by most, which is why you should announce that you have them. There is also the matter of commitment. Most people new to the gym would prefer a short-term agreement, such as a monthly membership, over an annual one, thinking that they are not sure if they really like the gym. In this case, a great sales practice is to offer a discounted short-term package where the first month is greatly discounted.

Here are some questions a new visitor may have, which you could include in your digital signage campaigns and ads:

  • How many members do you have?/How crowded does it get during peak hours? 
  • Which types of equipment are available? (Weightlifting, cardio workouts etc.) 
  • Are there any extra features such as free drinks or a sauna/pool? 
  • What are the work hours? 
  • What are the advantages and cost of personal training?
  • Are there special privileges for members?

Brainstorm on any further questions unique to your establishment. For dance studios, for instance, you’d want to list all the dance types and lessons you offer, as well as their complexity.

2. Appeal to people with tailored offers

Digital signage can offer exactly that information always sought after by newcomers to your fitness center. First and foremost, people want to know what your establishment has to offer. Since each of us have our own weekly schedule and specific time we can set aside for workout, it’s ideal to put multiple options on the table. While some want to work out every other day, others may only have time to do it twice a week. There may be even those who want to go only once a week. This could be to test the gym or fitness center out, or because they have other activities they are committed to. 

Additionally, different people want different workouts, and they oftentimes seek out gyms to accommodate their needs. Does your gym focus on boulder and climbing? Is it a yoga and Pilates studio, or a boxing gym? Or, of course, it might be a traditional fitness center or gym.

You could set up an interactive display or tablet with this data, to allow visitors to browse through your entire course program. Apart from the standard year-round conditions, you could also include special offers for the holidays or for the beginning of the new year.

3. Inform about the best things you have to offer

If your gym is organizing special events like marathons, collective workout sessions, or even member trips outside, digital signage can be of tremendous use. In case there are any changes in schedules, work hours, pricing changes, temporary breaks, or any events or competitions you may have organized, what better way to share them than through an occasional reminder in your digital signage campaigns. 

Sauna access and massages, for instance, are some of the additional services larger gyms or fitness centers can offer. If your establishment has these, or if there is a discount for members in a nearby establishment that does, announce it! A great idea is to dedicate a single display for this type of content so you don’t interrupt any on-going campaigns which involve content like training demonstrations, entertainment, or motivational content.

Personal training is another important topic given that some gym-goers want in order to drastically improve themselves. They may consider the aid of a personal trainer. Inform newcomers and the regular customers about the benefits they’ll get from a personal trainer, as well as who the trainer is and their cost.

Membership privileges can be very appealing to anyone still on the fence. This can refer to the above-mentioned discounts for spa services, for instance, as well any special bonuses members have access to: perhaps after a year of attendance, members get one month on the house.

The idea behind these tips is to inspire a newcomer to embrace their membership and actually use it! If all of this information is combined with a well-maintained and well-supplied fitness establishment, any workout enthusiast will feel right at home. If you want to get your creative juices flowing, don’t forget to check out our previous article on digital signage in gyms!