Demo Your Products and Services with Digital Signage!


Digital signage is an excellent asset to list up your products, services, or a give a convincing reason for any passerby to set foot into your business. Some businesses thrive on providing a wide variety of products. Others thrive on fewer, or even only a single one! In this case, providing a well-designed demo of the product or service through your digital signage can make all the difference. Here are a few tips to bring to light the best of your offers!

Feature the main products or services

Some products and services are more adaptable than others. You can change the style, color, size, or the nature of a service you provide. Meanwhile, others offer a limited set of products which in themselves cannot be changed. For instance, a business selling a specific range of cameras or phones can only do so much in terms of customization. 

For all products which are sold as they are, a sleek slideshow of the products, their pricing, as well as any special package deals or discounts make for a great focus within your demo digital signage. Furthermore, demonstrate the product in action. For cameras, compare the results of the images and the specifications based on the industry standard. Whatever the main selling point of a product is, showcase it!

Demo digital signage becomes increasingly important for unique products which aim to stand out from the competition. With an instructional video or image slideshow, explain how the product works, what its primary uses are, and why it’s unique.

Highlight the best of custom orders

On the other end of the spectrum, businesses which offer more adaptable services have more material to work with. Let’s take a bakery which makes specialty cakes as an example. There is a variety of creative wedding and other special occasions cake designs ideal for a demo showcase. These bakeries often accept custom requests for unique designs. In this instance, a bakery would do well to feature a best-of of their most complex and visually impactful cake designs they’ve done in the past. This will impress new visitors and they’ll remember where to come next time they need a stunning design.

In another example, hair salons provide a wide range of services and can use demos to show off their best work. In any business where looks and style is the selling point, customers want to see samples of work and see what the end result may look like. This covers a variety of businesses, from the beauty industry to tailored clothing, interior design, or even car paint salons.

Show comparisons

For any service which involves refurbishing, rebuilding, or repairing something, digital signage can be an excellent tool to display the success rate and before-after effect of that service. In more ways than one, a visual demo is a blessing for any business! With it, buyers can right away see if they like or dislike what they’ll get. If someone is not satisfied with your work as a hair stylist or a nail technician, they’ll probably give you hell on social media after you charge them for the service. This, of course, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re right. It just means you ran into a bad client.

Meanwhile, with a quick demo showcasing a variety of your work, the client can already see the finished product. This lets them find something they like. On the contrary, if they truly don’t warm up to anything you do, they’ll take their business elsewhere. In the end, this will save you the trouble of an unhappy client. This is why demo digital signage become increasingly important the bigger investments. These investments can include furniture refurbishing, dental work, or other cosmetic procedures.

Include testimonials

Testimonials act as a stamp of approval from previous customers. When it comes to products, a good testimonial will showcase that the product works as described and that the buyer rates it as a good purchase. Meanwhile with services, they are an important social proof that the consumer got what they expected. Any other information of value to the consumer is welcome here. If they like the speed of service, communication with the service provider, or any custom requests that were provided, all of these are important pieces of information for future buyers.

Ask your testimonials to be short and sweet. This makes it easier for a potential buyer to see several of them quickly and get a good impression. Ideally, as you present the product on the screen for potential buyers, you can include a small section which displays a quote from a previous customer. For instance, for refurbished furniture, include a quick quote from its buyer talking about how beautiful it turned out and how it’s holding up many months later. 

Provide video demonstrations on demand

A good demonstration of your product speaks to potential buyers on many levels. Above all, it tells them you’re committed to your work and shows exactly what they’ll get. Combining your visual demos with digital signage software can make the process even more engaging. For example, you can create a slideshow of your products, then include a QR-code for every image on the screen as it scrolls by. Upon scanning the code, consumers can trigger an in-depth video demonstration for the product they selected. 

An even better example is the wireless Lift & Learn solution which brings the focus on the product the consumer picks up, allowing them to quickly get a closer look at the product they’re interested in. This feature, and many others, is available through digital signage software like OnSign TV!