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Using Tablets to boost your Digital Signage

When you hear the words digital signage, you probably imagine a large display or video wall. Although, those may be the most common ways digital signage presents itself, other solutions are also a possibility. Phones or tablets are an example of greatness coming in a small package. In this article we focus on the best benefits and practices of digital signage and tablets, as well as their flaws.

Being user friendly, cost effective and packed with agility and creative uses, android tablets cost today under $200 dollars and can provide a superior tools for any business.

Main benefits: affordable and touch enabled!

A tablet as a digital signage platform provides you with a virtual sheet of paper you can re-use an infinite number of times. Although smaller and lacking in certain features a large display may bring to you, this gadget compensates with other benefits.

Yes, you can touch it!!

Tablets are a great tool for interactivity. Best, even a 4-years old knows how to use it. Taking advantage of touch features, tablets are a great tool for getting on the spot customer feedback!

Tablets aren’t traditionally built for use in public, mainly given their size and ease in which someone might steal them, but they can be paired with mounts, third-party technologies or enclosures to easily protect them against theft or damage. For instance, you can use bouncepad, a kiosk unit designed to fix the tablet securely to a wall or a location of your choosing.  

Take a look at this tablet at an American Airlines Lounge. They are elegant, touch enabled and are always handy providing important information for busy travelers.

Finally, tablets are  cheaper than a large display and they’re more mobile, too. Although not originally intended to be used in the realm of digital signage, they can be adapted to become practical tools for your audience.

Tablets can find a use in any industry

With mobility being the main advantage a tablet has over a standard display, you are free to experiment and adapt this technology to your establishment. Tablets can be used internally (for corporate communications or employee training) or externally (to provide a better experience to your customers, or to attract new customers to your business).

A basic tablet is way more affordable than a standard digital signage package involving a display. Their cost is less than a screen and they are the display and the player in one. Additionally, tablets are familiar to everyone and are extremely easy to use, meaning customers will not have any issues handling them.

Their flaws can be averted

Fragile: As mentioned, tablets weren’t originally designed with the intention to be used in a public area. With that said, as most smartphones and devices these days, they’re not exactly as sturdy and resistant as we’d want them to be. To improve robustness pay extra attention when choosing your wall mount or stand!

Power supply: Although tablets are battery powered, the most reliable way is to use tablets always connected to a power supply. Be careful about using low quality power supplies. Your charger should be able to keep battery charged and the display on at full brightness!

Low visibility: You probably guessed this one at the moment you read the title. A smaller display means lower visibility. A much smaller display means… well, you get the point. It’s very small. Thus, it shouldn’t be used in a setting where a random pedestrian is supposed to see it. That will hardly accomplish anything and in that case, you’re actually better off with a large static sign everyone can see than a small digital sign nobody notices.

Use tablets in a setting where the user seeks to obtain additional information. In a queue, for instance, where you can set a rotation of advertisements visible to each individual near the device. You can also use them in retail stores where your customers can browse through the collections of items you have to offer.

Small reach, high impact

Whilst tablets definitely can’t compete with full-sized displays when it comes to the power of influence and outreach, they bring their own unique components to the mix. With such mobility, flexibility and ease of access for any customer who may show interest in your business, a tablet digital signage network can definitely be of use to you, on its own or in addition to the standard network you have already set up.

Image by Jaysin Trevino.


Aks Kojic
Aks has been a writer in the digital signage world for over 5 years, bringing you the best of cases and news this industry has to show. Thoughts or suggestions on topics you'd like to see? Drop him an email at

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