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Home Industry News Digital Signage News: DSE comes to Europe, Google invests in OOH, and...

Digital Signage News: DSE comes to Europe, Google invests in OOH, and more!

From hard problems to easy solutions, from standing in the present to digging through the past, this month’s digital signage news article is stacked with surprising information from various sources. Let’s not waste any time and start off with a few easy issues digital signage software can solve. Then we work our way up to bigger subjects, such as Google in DOOH. Or a company launching a very serious OOH platform in South Africa. Let’s go!

Frequent mistakes in retail digital signage easily solved!

By now, digital signage is a known sidekick to retail marketing. We’ve discussed its amazing features ranging from the ability to easily connect with consumers, all the way to helping your sales associates attain better results. Thus, you do not want your digital signage performing poorly and leaving all these pluses on the table.

On that subject, if you head over to DigitalSignageToday you may see their latest article on the three big failures of retail digital signage, and just how easily they can be fixed. For the most part, they can be solved through features offered by any software provider. For example, non-functional screens aren’t much of an issue if you’re quickly aware that they’re not working properly. Unless you have an employee sitting in front of each display, you probably won’t notice errors quickly. Digital signage software detects and notifies you appropriately. You will quickly know which one out of a sea of a thousand displays you need to attend to.

Time jump to the roots of (digital) signage

In this monthly recap article, we won’t just hop back in time to the beginning of last month and see what’s been going on. No, we will go back much further, a century or two, all the way to 1871, and move back to the future from there. A recent article of OOH Today  takes a look into the family tree of outdoor advertising from the roots onward without missing a twig.

Digital signage is found in the younger branches of said tree. The article goes through every year of outdoor advertising, since its earliest seeds, all the way up to 2005. There is something interesting to see in every year that impacted or at least in some way shaped the OOH industry, 2004 especially. Be sure to take a closer look to see why!

DSE learns how to swim

Very exciting news for digital signage enthusiasts, DSE is coming to Europe! After many successful ventures in North America, DSE is traveling overseas and hosting DSE ONE-EUROPE in London, UK. This is going to be the European edition of the one-day DSE conference program which debuted in New York.

The European conference program will cover basic and important subjects, for example how to accurately measure ROI, implementation dos and don’ts, creating the right content, and more! The event will take place at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel London Kensington. It’s sponsored in part by the Digital Signage Federation.

If you’re interested in the event, get more information here and make room in your calendar on December 5th, 2018.

Ads2Trade set to launch in South Africa

South Africa might be the birthplace of the first global franchise in outdoor media trading. Ads2Trade platform is an automated, web-based outdoor media trading platform, aimed to revolutionize the OOH advertising industry. The platform will allow media buyers to book advertising space and create specific campaigns for their consumers. These campaigns will be optimized for advertising to a specific audience.

According to Daniel Voros, CEO of Ads2Trade, this trading platform will allow media owners to more efficiently market their stock and improve occupancy. This is only the scratch on the surface of other advantages he mentions. Be sure to read more about these, as well as the goals the platform wishes to reach.

Google an out of home advertiser?

If you need proof that OOH/DOOH is growing — although you’d probably only doubt its growth if you’ve lived under a rock for the past decade or two — Google has the answer! Not the search engine, the company, because Google has invested quite more than a bit into outdoor advertising.

Specifically investing in DOOH, Google launched the “Make Google Do It” campaign in the UK as a promotion to the various tasks the Google Assistant can help you with.

As per the campaign the Google Assistant can help you “Play it. Skip it. Time it. Dial it. Forecast it. Remember it. Schedule it. Prep it. Do it.”

Not only does this sound like the popular Daft Punk song, it highlights the various ways in which the Assistant takes over everyday tasks. This sounds amazing and it opens the doors to unthinkable possibilities. However, perhaps some people prefer to keep their doors shut to the idea of Google making such a big entrance in and outside of their lives. If the comments on the ad video are any indication, there are mixed responses on Google doing everything for us.

A very exciting set of news this month. From figurative time travel and fixing mistakes — not in connection as it might seem — we turned to South Africa and looked at Google’s newest attempt to take over our offline world. We’ll see what the next month’s news will bring, and if you can’t wait until then for us to write it… just make Google do it!


Aks Kojic
Aks has been a writer in the digital signage world for over 5 years, bringing you the best of cases and news this industry has to show. Thoughts or suggestions on topics you'd like to see? Drop him an email at

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