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Tag: new features

How to quickly Create Campaigns from your Files

“It is quality rather than quantity that matters”. This is a famous quote by Seneca. Well… how not to agree with such a famous...

Brand-new Features: Campaigns Tagging and Files Renaming

In the world of digital signage, many organizations are looking for the best way to get more campaigns done, while spending less time on...

Fine-grained Access Control – Campaigns

Imagine if you could let other users manage only some timelines of your campaigns... how great would it be to fix your brand logo...

Fine-grained Access Control – Players

Let’s say your company operates in various locations and/or its departments have different responsibilities managing your digital signage content. Wouldn’t it be really useful...

Awesome New File Browser of OnSign TV

Have you already seen all the new features you have in OnSign TV? What to say about the changes in our design? We want...
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