Is There Potential in 3D Digital Signage?


3D digital signage has been the new kid on the block in recent years, and it’s experienced quite the growth. To the point where the industry and the consumer audience is fairly used to seeing it now. Over the years, we covered many examples of it, as we shall within this article. They’re truly phenomenal and spark the imagination around new possibilities in the field of digital signage. But on a more important note, we must explore what potential it holds for smaller businesses and in which instances 3D digital signage is worth exploring and investing in.

What is 3D digital signage?

3D digital signage typically refers to digital billboards which produce the illusion that the content they’re showing is three-dimensional. This is achieved by using wrap-around displays which project content that was generated from different viewing angles. As a result, when you stand at a specific viewing-angle to observe the display, your eyes perceive the content as three-dimensional. All of this is possible without using any additional technology, such as the 3D glasses you know from the movies. Here is a very fun example of such an ad from 2023 from Nintendo:

Eye-catching messaging

Looking at any 3D digital signage illusion is a thrill, simply because of the fact that it appears three-dimensional. The concept is still young, meaning the average pedestrian is still intrigued and won’t ignore it by default. As such, this makes it a powerful medium to use at this time. Though, perhaps it would be more accurate to describe it as a catalyst. After all, if the content is boring, the fact that it’s three-dimensional won’t make a difference. People will glance, be amazed, then walk away.

Creating a buzz

With the eye-catching appeal comes potential for quick yet powerful impacts on the target audience. Given the creativity and possibilities of 3D digital signage content, it should truly be reserved for clever and noteworthy campaigns that are easy to spot and remember. This brings us to the next important benefit of 3D content of this sort, which is its shareability. 

Shareable content

Creating a buzz is great as it gets people talking. But if the visual itself is highly impactful at first glance, people will be more prone to take pictures of it and share it online, giving your campaign far greater reach beyond its physical location. 3D digital signage content looks even better in snapshots. 

Naturally, when physically standing in front of a 3D digital signage campaign, we’re aware it’s not really three-dimensional. This is especially true if you’re not standing at the ideal angle for the signage. Meanwhile, in videos or images shared online, it looks a lot more realistic and intriguing. Such content is even more remarkable when users see it occur in familiar locations. For instance, take a look at the image below. If you didn’t know the context around it, you would thing the image looked almost real to life, and perhaps wouldn’t think at first it was digital signage.

Limitations of use

We can all agree that 3D digital signage content is a more advanced form of digital signage. It certainly outdoes standard menu boards or ads. With that said, it’s very important to note that this doesn’t make it better. Instead, it’s more accurate to say it’s in a category of its own. It’s eye-catching, buzzy, and the perfect platform for highly creative and well-produced ad campaigns. With that said, it cannot afford to be anything less. Large businesses using it are setting the bar pretty high. 

Uses for small businesses

3D digital signage as large as the examples listed above typically requires a solid budget. As such, it’s best reserved for campaigns with ambitious goals. This can be an announcement of an upcoming product launch, creating a buzz about a new store opening, or highlighting a major event or promotion. In short, really creative ads! While the initial investment may be higher compared to traditional signage methods, the potential return on investment (ROI) can be significant, especially when aiming to make a memorable impact on customers and drive foot traffic to your business.

On a smaller scale, for small businesses 3D digital signage has the potential to create mesmerizing décor or impactful visuals. They could be used to transform the interior of a business, or make everyone walking in be pleasantly surprised. Meanwhile, for standard content such as digital menu boards, information terminals, or interactivity on an informational level, standard digital displays will perform much better.

Meanwhile, speaking of using digital displays for various purposes, be sure to explore all possibilities digital signage software has to offer with OnSign TV!

Cover image by Sigmund.